How to clean a fridge

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How to clean a fridge


  • Washing up liquid

  • Clean microfibre cloths

  • Sponge


  • First, empty the fridge of any food or drink and place this in a box or on a surface to one side.

  • Run a sink 1/2 to 3/4 full with hot water and washing up liquid. A couple of squirts should do.

  • Remove all of the shelves and drawers inside the fridge and leave these to soak in the sink.

  • Use a mild solution of washing up liquid and water to clean the inside of the fridge. If you have a spare spray bottle, this will come in handy. You can also use a bucket containing your solution too if that’s easier. You should only need a couple of drops of washing up liquid to make the solution.

  • Drop your microfibre cloth in the solution and wring, so that you’re left with a wet - but not soaking -  cloth. If you have a spray bottle, spray the solution directly onto the surfaces, and use a slightly damp cloth. Starting at the back corner of the fridge, wipe left-to-right and top-to-bottom, ensuring you reach all of the corners. Most marks should lift easily, although any stubborn spillages may require a little elbow grease. 

  • Repeat this process on all sides of the fridge, as well as on the inside of the door.

  • Go back over the entire inside of the fridge with a dry microfibre to remove any suds or water.

  • With your damp cloth, give the seal around the door a thorough wipe. Then close the fridge door, and wipe the handle and the front of the fridge too. Again, go back over with a dry cloth so that no soap or watermarks are left behind.

  • Head to the sink, where your shelves & drawers are soaking. Using a soft sponge, wash up all of the shelves and drawers. Then rinse with warm water to remove any suds.

  • Leave your shelves and drawers on the drying rack to air-dry or use a clean tea towel to speed up the process.

  • Once you've dried your shelves, reassemble the fridge and return the food and drink you've placed to one side.

  • As you're returning bottles & jars to the fridge, use a clean damp cloth to wipe the outside to remove any sticky residue.

Top Tips

  • Schedule your fridge clean just before your weekly shop – so it's running low. This will speed up the emptying & refilling stages, and ensure that there's not lots of fresh produce out at room temperature while you're cleaning.

  • Before you start wiping the inside of your fridge, fold your damp microfibre once, and then fold again. As you clean, regularly flip the microfibre and use a different side. This will help to prevent cross-contamination and ensure you're not just moving dirt around.

  • Once you've wiped with all sides, dip your cloth in the bucket of cleaning solution to make sure it's clean. If you're using a spray and a damp cloth, give your wash a rinse in the sink instead. 

  • The devil's in the detail – so make sure that you’re reaching into all crevices and any ‘nooks and crannies’ too – including the grooves where the shelves slot in.

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