How to clean a microwave

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How to clean a microwave


  • Microwavable bowl

  • White vinegar & a wedge of lemon (optional)

  • Microfibre cloth

  • Tea towel for removing the hot bowl


  • Fill a microwavable bowl halfway with warm water. We'll use this to steam the microwave. If there are stubborn marks in the microwave, you can also add a splash of white vinegar. To ensure that your kitchen smells like fresh lemons - and not vinegar - place a wedge of lemon or splash of lemon juice in there too.

  • Place the bowl in the microwave and blast on full power for 3 minutes, or until the window is steamed.

  • Carefully remove the hot bowl (a tea towel is super handy here) and place this to one side (or in the dishwasher).

  • Remove the turntable plate and take this to the kitchen sink.

  • Using a clean and slightly damp microfibre, wipe out the inside, reaching the sides top and inside of the door. Don't forget to wipe the inside of the door thoroughly too.

  • While the inside of the microwave dries, wash up the microwave plate with hot soapy water. Don’t forget to ensure that underneath the plate is also cleaned. You'll also want to wash up the bowl you used to steam the microwave.

  • Dry the turntable with a tea towel and place back inside.

  • Close the door and wipe the sides, top and front of the microwave - including around the handle - with a clean damp microfibre and a small quantity of multi-surface spray.

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