How to wash up dishes

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How to wash up dishes


  • A clean sink
  • Washing up sponge
  • Washing up liquid
  • Washing up bowl (if preferred)
  • Tea towel


1. Before you begin, take a quick walk around to make sure you haven't missed any loose cups or mugs. Check for forgotten tea mugs beside the bed or glasses beside the bathroom sink.

2. Once you've gathered all the crockery, start by scraping off any residual food into the bin and give the plates and bowls a quick rinse.

3. If any pots & pans are stained or have any caked-on mess, add a squirt of washing-liquid directly into them, fill with hot water & place to one side to soak.

4. Before filling the sink, take a moment to clean the bottom and sides of the sink bowl using a cloth or sponge and washing up liquid. This step ensures a clean starting point for your washing up.

5. Fill the sink to about ¾ full with hot water, or alternatively, use a washing-up bowl if you have one. Add 1-2 squirts of washing-up liquid as you begin to fill the sink or bowl. If you have a lots of dishes, you might need to refill the sink halfway through.

6. Start by washing glasses as you'll get better results cleaning these while the water's at its hottest.

7. Wash the glasses with a sponge under the soapy water. Then rinse them of suds under the tap & arrange them neatly on the draining board. Leave a little space between crockery so there's enough space for everything to air dry thoroughly. 

8. Repeat with the washing process with the rest of the dishes in order of cleanest to dirtiest. Starting with the cleaner items will minimise the number of times you need to change the water.

9. If you left any pots or pans to soak, clean these once all of the other dishes are done.

10. Once everythings washed, rinsed and placed to dry, empty the sink. 

11. Clean out the plughole and place any chunks of food in the bin. Then rinse and wipe the sink using a clean damp cloth & washing-up liquid or kitchen cleaning spray.

12. After an hour or so, your dishes should be thoroughly dry. You can then put these away neatly where they belong.

13. If you prefer to put the dishes away immediately, you can also dry them with a clean tea towel. Ensure the towel is clean and dry to avoid any potential transfer of dirt or moisture.

Top Tips:

  • Be gentle - throwing glasses & other crockery into the sink can easily cause damages!
  • Never leave sharp knives to soak in soapy water. You won't be able to see them and could end up seriously hurting yourself!
  • Always wear rubber gloves when washing up. They protect your hands from hot water and potential irritants in the washing-up liquid.
  • Before using a tea towel to dry the dishes, make sure it's clean and dry to avoid transferring any bacteria or moisture onto the dishes.
  • Avoid using abrasive scourers - they can easily damage non-stick coatings.
  • Refill the sink when the water is visibly dirty and/or the suds have gone. 

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