This week's best cleaners: Harrow
These Housekeepers are the highest-rated and most reliable Housekeepers cleaning in Harrow & the surrounding area. Congratulations & well done on the super work!
Vetted & experienced professionals. Fast quote & simple online booking.
Get a quoteWe’ve featured in
How it works
1. Tell us about the job
Pop in your details & tell us when you'd like the work done.
2. Get a quote
We'll get in touch with a price. If you'd like to go ahead, we'll take a deposit and book you in.
3. Appliance collected
A tried & trusted tradesperson will collect & dispose of your appliance.
We'll provide a super fast, no-obligation quote for appliance disposal in your area
We've got a squad of experienced, vetted tradespeople who can collect & dispose of appliances. Just let us know what you need & we’ll get you booked in
No long back-and-forth. No hassle with cash and no stress. Just an easy online booking experience
Short notice or advance booking - we’ll book you in at a time that suits you. And we’ll provide an arrival window so you won't need to wait all day
Speak to our super responsive support team any time you need a hand. We're available 7 days a week
What you get with Housekeep
You can book our disposal service for any type of appliance.
Some common furniture disposal tasks include:
If you need any other appliance disposal jobs completed, just let us know and we’ll provide a bespoke quote for the job.
Tell us about the job, and we'll match you with a tried and trusted tradesperson who can collect & dispose of your appliance. You'll agree a payment schedule with the tradesperson directly.
Once you've told us about the job, we'll match you with a trusted tradesperson who can collect & dispose of your appliances. They'll be able to share all the details about their insurance with you directly.
It used to be tricky to find a trusted tradesperson. But we’ve made the whole process seamless – from getting a quote, to securing your slot, to getting rid of your old appliance.
We'll match you with an experienced local tradesperson in just a few clicks. They have experience removing & disposing of all kinds of appliances – from integrated washing machines, to free standing fridge freezers. You name it - we dispose of it.
Just pop in your details and tell us about the job. We'll get in touch to introduce you to a tried and trusted tradesperson who can collect and dispose of your old appliances. They'll provide you with a quote that you can trust. If you'd like to go ahead, they'll book your appliance disposal for a date that suits you and organise payment.
Ready to get a quote? Click here to get started.
19 Lawns mowed
20 Lights installed
24 Leaks fixed
14 Appliances repaired
7 Flatpacks assembled
9 Boilers serviced
13 Other odd jobs
28.0% Have pets
27.0% Flats or apartments
73.0% Houses
103,907 Households
296,049 Residents
77.0% Own car
36.0% Single
These Housekeepers are the highest-rated and most reliable Housekeepers cleaning in Harrow & the surrounding area. Congratulations & well done on the super work!
We’re very happy to be announcing that this week’s Housekeeper of the Week is… Luiza.
Luiza mostly cleans in the West London boroughs of Harrow ...
This week's top Housekeeper is Iulia!
Her happy customers are in the North West London boroughs of Harrow, Hillingdon and Brent, ...
Housekeep services near me
We’re here for you, Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 18:00, and on weekends from 08:00 to 17:00.