Meet Miryam
Why did you choose to be a Housekeeper?
“One of my friends recommended Housekeep as a great place to find regular cleaning customers. With 31 years of cleaning experience, I signed up straight away.”
What do you find most rewarding as a Housekeeper?
“Well, in 7 years, I've been very fond of Housekeep. I am really, really happy. There are no words to describe how I feel about everyone I speak to in the Housekeep support team. I respect everyone, and all the team respect me. I give the highest rating to the Housekeep team. It’s amazing how responsive the team is whenever I need help.”
What is your favourite cleaning task?
“My speciality is the bathroom. You can give me the dirtiest bathroom, and as long as I have the right cloths and products, I’ll clean it."
What do you enjoy doing when you're not cleaning?
“I like reading, mostly about herbal medicine, as I used to be a nurse when I was younger. I also enjoy making essential oils, and perfume.”
Miryam’s on-the-job tips
After completing almost 4,000 cleans with Housekeep, what is your advice for getting a job off to a brilliant start with a new customer?
“For every new home you go to, it’s important you’re well organised.
When I go to a new customer's home, I first check all the cleaning materials and equipment. I make sure there are enough cloths, sponges, a good toilet brush, and bin bags. Then I set them all out and organise them ready for me to use.
I also carry a small notebook with me, so if the customer hasn’t provided everything I need, I can write them a list so they can get everything in time for my next visit.”
How do you organise your day when you have a busy schedule?
“I always check my Housekeep Professionals app in the morning and throughout the day for any messages from my customers regarding arrival times or specific requests. I’m often quite flexible with my regular customers.”
Miryam’s expert cleaning tips & tricks
You’ve cleaned for some of your regular customers more than 200 times. What are your go-to cleaning tips for getting your customer's homes sparkling every time?
“I think everyone has a different kind of approach to cleaning. But having the right cleaning products makes all the difference.”
Toothbrush trick 🪥
“I always carry a toothbrush with me in my cleaning kit. It’s great for cleaning the limescale off taps as you can get right in the nooks and crannies.”
Colour-coded cloths 💡
“You don’t need expensive cloths, you can grab a pack of 4 from Tesco for just under £2.50. It’s important they are colour-coded though, so you can remember to use them for different areas. I use red for the kitchen, yellow for the toilet, blue for the bathroom, and white for glass and windows. You can then wash and reuse them for future visits!”
Greasy hob hack 🧽
“I personally just use washing-up liquid when tackling greasy hobs. Take a small damp sponge, squirt a drop of washing-up liquid and scrub in small circular motions.”
Sparkling showerheads 🚿
“For limescale around showerheads, I take the showerhead and leave it to soak in a little bucket or bag of limescale remover for a few minutes before rinsing. This allows the product to get right inside the little holes for a thorough clean.”
Working with Housekeep
Which skills have been the most beneficial to you as a Housekeeper?
“I take pride in making sure everything is perfect before I leave. I finish cleaning, and then I check everything. If I spot dust on my way out, I'll go back and take care of it. Even if I’m halfway down the street and remember I forgot to take out the rubbish or put away the vacuum, I’ll turn around and fix it. I just like knowing that every little detail is taken care of.”
What advice would you give a new Housekeeper starting at Housekeep?
“Always show up looking presentable and be polite to your customers. Save Housekeep’s number in your phone so you can step outside and quickly respond if the office calls.”
You’ve been cleaning with Housekeep for over 7 years. What would you say is great about Housekeep?
“The support at Housekeep is great. It’s reassuring to know there’s always someone available when I need assistance. I’m never waiting more than 10-15 minutes for a call back if I need help.”
It was great talking about all things Housekeep with Miryam this week.
Keep your eyes peeled for more Housekeeper Spotlights very soon…