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Over the past few weeks our tech team have been working extra hard in HQ to give you more power than ever before over your ...
Over the past few weeks our tech team have been working extra hard in HQ to give you more power than ever before over your ...
We recently spoke with York Avenue blogger, Jackie, who told us to seek inspiration from all around.
So, I invited my photographer (the wonderful Operations Executive ...
For anyone with young, male flatmates, you'll understand my frustrations when I say that my home never sparkles long enough after my clean.
With such a hectic working life, helping ...
It's that time of the year again!
Whether you love or loathe it, Halloween really turns your home into a house of horrors! The mess left ...
That's right, next Wednesday, Housekeep is giving you the chance to WIN an Entire Winter of Weekly Home Cleaning!
All you need to do, is sign ...
It's a dark day in the Housekeep office today as The Great Housekeep Bake Off draws to a close this week with the 9th and ...
This week's entry come from our incredible recruitment Intern, Katie Earl! Katie is usually very busy trying to find the best housekeepers in London, but ...
London Fashion Week has always been known for showcasing upcoming designers ...
This weeks entry was from Housekeep founder and CEO Avin Rabheru. Avin's recent achievements include; recognition from, as one of the Young Guns "Five to ...
This year, designer Julien MacDonald held his London Fashion Week show at Smithfields....
This week's Great Housekeep Bake Off was a lesson in ingenuity with an entry from Rachel Wastell, our Marketing Manaager.
Rachel knows a lot about ...
Here at Housekeep, we love the idea of DIY home cleaning products, which can help the environment, and keep your wallet a little heavier! Because of ...